For your company to stay competitive, you have to stay ahead of the curve. One of the best ways to do so is to be sure that you're utilizing all the tools and technologies. Whether you're just starting your business or have been running it for many years, you want to be sure that you're taking advantage of all the tools that are available to you.The Point of Sale industry is in for a rude awakening. Similar to the newspaper and magazine industries, it’s too big and too far away from what's really going on to stay relevant. It seems easier for old companies to just modify their current models to try and stay in the game, rather than paving the way by being agile and open to what people are actually doing or what new developments technology is allowing.In the retail world investing in point of sales technology is rapidly becoming the most important step a retailer can take when they are looking for new ways to improve. Everyone in the retail world is talking about POS or point of sale equipment and how much easier it is to run their business now that they have installed a POS system